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Circulaire actuelle Co-op Food - Valable à partir du 06.03 au 12.03 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Co-op Food 06.03.2025 - 12.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

WE'VE LOWERED PRICES ON KEY ITEMS TO SAVE YOU MORE! 04 1397 EVE WAS 56.49 SCOTTS SEED STARTING FOOD, 236ML! 827 WAS 51299 Was 57.9 MCKENZIE WILDFLOWERS ALL PURPOSE, 198-G Contains numerousvaretis of perennials and annual to provide a beautiful carefreelandscape. Great for attracting pollinators, Formulated fo Canadian climates {4286 464) SAVE OVER 20% = 927 *ù > RATES] At 29 ele D 4 EU 127 ee ALL-PURPOSE POTTING SOIL WALK-IN GREENHOUSE Natural and organic ingreients: pat moss, petite, ermiculite Removable cover with rol-upipper front panel for easy access and arthworm castings Slow release nutriets allows for 3x 3x 185 om, (256541) aptimum gromth. M L 4277075) PRICES FROM: 319-5597 | was 3508 / msn s 7 4 À { © || uses (A ( Et) Me = Lu. “enr G à &? GOLD CLOROX TILEX SOAP SCUM LATEX GLOVES MAXIMUM GARBAGE BAG, 170-L, | on e si 8,470 REMUVER, BX8-ML, Thick and long lasting, Comfortable fock lining. Commercial e Nor-abrsive Clean and dshfects. Far useonardnon-potous grade Raised grippe pattern palm for gripping pour. th ist Black 35 SO {737 540) bathroom surfaces No scrubbing needed. (722 31) $ {4785291 MATBS 07 or LATES 309) 5°?7 ? 17° WAS 52499 WAS 5739 GALVANIZED PAIL STERILITE LATCHING TOTE 35mm thick. 8-L (4700 290) Rugged and impact resistant design Heswy-dutyltchesStackeble GBL(47T4 949) 12L (670020) g" TI LT 964) 26" D] 15" 1 1 so Was 51599 VILEDA OSKAR BROOM AND DUSTPAN Sharpiyanged fibres pronide better reach in narrow spaces. With dustpan. 4763789) EE WWW.BUILD.CRS PRICE CUT SALE 3 23625 Week 11

Derniéres circulaires

WE'VE LOWERED PRICES ON KEY ITEMS TO SAVE YOU MORE! 04 1397 EVE WAS 56.49 SCOTTS SEED STARTING FOOD, 236ML! 827 WAS 51299 Was 57.9 MCKENZIE WILDFLOWERS ALL PURPOSE, 198-G Contains numerousvaretis of perennials and annual to provide a beautiful carefreelandscape. Great for attracting pollinators, Formulated fo Canadian climates {4286 464) SAVE OVER 20% = 927 *ù > RATES] At 29 ele D 4 EU 127 ee ALL-PURPOSE POTTING SOIL WALK-IN GREENHOUSE Natural and organic ingreients: pat moss, petite, ermiculite Removable cover with rol-upipper front panel for easy access and arthworm castings Slow release nutriets allows for 3x 3x 185 om, (256541) aptimum gromth. M L 4277075) PRICES FROM: 319-5597 | was 3508 / msn s 7 4 À { © || uses (A ( Et) Me = Lu. “enr G à &? GOLD CLOROX TILEX SOAP SCUM LATEX GLOVES MAXIMUM GARBAGE BAG, 170-L, | on e si 8,470 REMUVER, BX8-ML, Thick and long lasting, Comfortable fock lining. Commercial e Nor-abrsive Clean and dshfects. Far useonardnon-potous grade Raised grippe pattern palm for gripping pour. th ist Black 35 SO {737 540) bathroom surfaces No scrubbing needed. (722 31) $ {4785291 MATBS 07 or LATES 309) 5°?7 ? 17° WAS 52499 WAS 5739 GALVANIZED PAIL STERILITE LATCHING TOTE 35mm thick. 8-L (4700 290) Rugged and impact resistant design Heswy-dutyltchesStackeble GBL(47T4 949) 12L (670020) g" TI LT 964) 26" D] 15" 1 1 so Was 51599 VILEDA OSKAR BROOM AND DUSTPAN Sharpiyanged fibres pronide better reach in narrow spaces. With dustpan. 4763789) EE WWW.BUILD.CRS PRICE CUT SALE 3 23625 Week 11

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