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Circulaire actuelle Foodland - Valable à partir du 08.09 au 14.09 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Foodland 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

PRODUCT OF ONTARIO COMPLIMENTS Russet, White or Yellow Potatoes Cansda 27 kÿ LOCAL compliments ETES CTITAUIEUTES 99e Lasagna or Mac N'Cheese 1 kg COMPLIMENTS Shredded Cheese Asiago, Three 9 9 æ Blend or Parmesan + 99 Goat Cheese Logs 342 coeurs Hummus Snacks 3498 bo Frozen Entrées 4 2157 0 _—. Iced Tea or Lemonade 2.84 10°°k es COMPLIMENTS Cabbage Rolls 4/ $E r 1 27°} COMPLIMENTS Pita 250-450 £ COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS Colestaw prod COMPLIMENTS Garden Salad produi of USA 340 g Pumpkin Pie 9 3 COMPLIMENTS Cottage Cheese COMPLIMENTS Riced Caulifower 340 : COMPLIMENTS Canned Vegétables 34 COMPLIMENTS Potato Chips or Extraaa! Flavour Chips 20: COMPLIMENTS Foi Wrap 25 to A7? 5/ $E COMPL NTS Snacking Mixes a || SE COMPLIMENTS Cheese 270 g Le. COMPLIMENTS Sparkling or Fizzy Wate COMPLIMENTS Chewy Chocolate Chip Granola Bars 48 ph Î

Derniéres circulaires

PRODUCT OF ONTARIO COMPLIMENTS Russet, White or Yellow Potatoes Cansda 27 kÿ LOCAL compliments ETES CTITAUIEUTES 99e Lasagna or Mac N'Cheese 1 kg COMPLIMENTS Shredded Cheese Asiago, Three 9 9 æ Blend or Parmesan + 99 Goat Cheese Logs 342 coeurs Hummus Snacks 3498 bo Frozen Entrées 4 2157 0 _—. Iced Tea or Lemonade 2.84 10°°k es COMPLIMENTS Cabbage Rolls 4/ $E r 1 27°} COMPLIMENTS Pita 250-450 £ COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS Colestaw prod COMPLIMENTS Garden Salad produi of USA 340 g Pumpkin Pie 9 3 COMPLIMENTS Cottage Cheese COMPLIMENTS Riced Caulifower 340 : COMPLIMENTS Canned Vegétables 34 COMPLIMENTS Potato Chips or Extraaa! Flavour Chips 20: COMPLIMENTS Foi Wrap 25 to A7? 5/ $E COMPL NTS Snacking Mixes a || SE COMPLIMENTS Cheese 270 g Le. COMPLIMENTS Sparkling or Fizzy Wate COMPLIMENTS Chewy Chocolate Chip Granola Bars 48 ph Î

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