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Circulaire actuelle FreshCo - Valable à partir du 21.11 au 27.11 - Page n° 3

Circulaire FreshCo 21.11.2024 - 27.11.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Product of USA No. 1 Grade 7.69/kg Raisins verts sans Pépin Golden Compliments Deli Meat 175 g Charcuterie Mina Halal Fresh Chicken Legs Back Attached or Tandoori Chicken Drumsticks pilons de poulet Cakes 252-336 g Pain petits gâteaux Pineapples YO Product of Costa Rica Compliments Lemons 2 Ib Product of Spain or USA 9078 Ananas, citrons Pomegranate Product of USA No. 1 Grade Grenade Honeycrisp or Ambrosia Apples : Product of , Ontario ini Canada Extra Product of Fancy USA or Mexico 3.95/kg 0) 439%X8 # Compliments Er Baby Spinach : * or Spring Mix 3128 Hiiros Cherry Tomatoes on the Product of Vine 340 g Canada Canada No. 1 Rene 4, mélange printanier. Pos tomate Cilantro or Green Onions Product of USA or Mexico Coriandre ou Whole White or Brown Mushrooms 2278 Product of Ontario Champignon- Z Angus Beef Sirloin Tip Oven Roast | Cut from Canada AA " Beef or Higher 19.82/kg Rôti de surlonge de bœuf à cuire au four Beyond Beef, Burger, Sausage Plant-Based E Links, Tenders Compliments or Nuggets Select Valley Cooked or Raw Frozen 226-400 g Pacific White Burger, saucisses Chicken Breasts Shrimp Frozen 340 g Crevettes roquettes Frozen 1 kg à base d Poitr Tre Stelle Mozzarella Ball 340 g Mascarpone 2758 Maple Leaf Crumbled Feta Natural 150 g Selections Castello Chalo! Naan 500 g 150 15e Cheddar 200 g 7 (

Product of USA No. 1 Grade 7.69/kg Raisins verts sans Pépin Golden Compliments Deli Meat 175 g Charcuterie Mina Halal Fresh Chicken Legs Back Attached or Tandoori Chicken Drumsticks pilons de poulet Cakes 252-336 g Pain petits gâteaux Pineapples YO Product of Costa Rica Compliments Lemons 2 Ib Product of Spain or USA 9078 Ananas, citrons Pomegranate Product of USA No. 1 Grade Grenade Honeycrisp or Ambrosia Apples : Product of , Ontario ini Canada Extra Product of Fancy USA or Mexico 3.95/kg 0) 439%X8 # Compliments Er Baby Spinach : * or Spring Mix 3128 Hiiros Cherry Tomatoes on the Product of Vine 340 g Canada Canada No. 1 Rene 4, mélange printanier. Pos tomate Cilantro or Green Onions Product of USA or Mexico Coriandre ou Whole White or Brown Mushrooms 2278 Product of Ontario Champignon- Z Angus Beef Sirloin Tip Oven Roast | Cut from Canada AA " Beef or Higher 19.82/kg Rôti de surlonge de bœuf à cuire au four Beyond Beef, Burger, Sausage Plant-Based E Links, Tenders Compliments or Nuggets Select Valley Cooked or Raw Frozen 226-400 g Pacific White Burger, saucisses Chicken Breasts Shrimp Frozen 340 g Crevettes roquettes Frozen 1 kg à base d Poitr Tre Stelle Mozzarella Ball 340 g Mascarpone 2758 Maple Leaf Crumbled Feta Natural 150 g Selections Castello Chalo! Naan 500 g 150 15e Cheddar 200 g 7 (

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