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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Valable à partir du 20.03 au 26.03 - Page n° 5

Circulaire M&M Food Market 20.03.2025 - 26.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

9078 MULTI-SERVE MEALS 13°° ETC AC EU CS EE WT À MOT) : AE CT TT CET C2 © ‘AI disceunted prices of products witnin inis fyer are exchustre 10 members of the MEM Fos Markat Rewerds program. Simply present your member ship card 0e sipe up for à free membership in store or onêne, to tsk8 adramtsge of these exclusive offers. Produets and prices may very by regien. Limits ce restrictions méry 2pply. Products may not be exacthy 25 shown. Special prcing and promotisas are sat vab 24 MÉM Fo0ë Markat Express and ather mon-traditianal steees, as they offer a limited ronge of prodects. Some ilustrations in ts flyer do not necessary represent itexes on sale and are fee design on. We reserve te right bo correct 2 BEST ay errors. Commercial resals cd our prodects is prohbited. Trace-marks, service marks and logos displayed in £his fiyer are trade-marks of MEM Ment Shops Ltd. MANNGED_ : #llg and eters. Any éuplication (ncldirg pasting callse) witheut the written consent of ME Meat Shops Las. |s probbites. 2025 MM Meat Shops Lidl. SCOMPANIES 2; “Tradamark of Caliac Canada. Used ungar licanse. ous

9078 MULTI-SERVE MEALS 13°° ETC AC EU CS EE WT À MOT) : AE CT TT CET C2 © ‘AI disceunted prices of products witnin inis fyer are exchustre 10 members of the MEM Fos Markat Rewerds program. Simply present your member ship card 0e sipe up for à free membership in store or onêne, to tsk8 adramtsge of these exclusive offers. Produets and prices may very by regien. Limits ce restrictions méry 2pply. Products may not be exacthy 25 shown. Special prcing and promotisas are sat vab 24 MÉM Fo0ë Markat Express and ather mon-traditianal steees, as they offer a limited ronge of prodects. Some ilustrations in ts flyer do not necessary represent itexes on sale and are fee design on. We reserve te right bo correct 2 BEST ay errors. Commercial resals cd our prodects is prohbited. Trace-marks, service marks and logos displayed in £his fiyer are trade-marks of MEM Ment Shops Ltd. MANNGED_ : #llg and eters. Any éuplication (ncldirg pasting callse) witheut the written consent of ME Meat Shops Las. |s probbites. 2025 MM Meat Shops Lidl. SCOMPANIES 2; “Tradamark of Caliac Canada. Used ungar licanse. ous

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