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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Noël - Valable à partir du 12.12 au 18.12 - Page n° 10

Circulaire M&M Food Market 12.12.2024 - 18.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

BraisedBeef Pappardelle Flatbreads 440g-515g 6 Varieties Regular price 5.99 each Soup 2558-2858 Excludes Wonton Soup. "Al discounbed prices of preduzts within this fhyer are ceciusive to members of the MEM Fcod Market Rewarés program. Simpy present your membership caré or sign up fee à fren membershép in store or elles, to take advantape cf Mesa exchestve offars. Products and prices may vary by region. Lits of restrictions may apriy. Pradusts may mot be menctiy as shown. Special peicing and prometions are not wall at M&M Food Market Express mad star nos-traditional stores, 25 thaÿ offer a Bmites range ot preduets. Some llestrations in this fiyer Go nat necessarily represent lbims ça sais and are for design cnly, We reserve 1h right to coeract any errors, Cemmércial resale of eur predurts is prehibAed, Trade-marks, service marks end hogcs displayed in lis flyer are trade-mars of M&M Meat Shaps Ltd and others, Any duplication [ineluéng posting oMine} without ta writton consent of SM Heat Shogs LIU, is prohibitad, &2024 MEM Meat Saop3 La. “*Lawest Price of the Séason” is eur guarantae be you, subject 10 the feliewisg eusfications, 1h you mil not aftar lis Myers expiry perios 236 à lomér price en tasa selected items at MM Feod Market, axciudig M&M Fooë Msrket Express beations and partners, fihe “Traditisnsi Locations”) until Decamber 31, 2024 [thé “Guarantse Period"]. H yeu fied à lower actrertised peice at our Traditisnal Locations duriag the Gusrantee Period you can bring your receipt to ane of eur Trasitional Locations and receive a store credit for the difference between the price yeu said ané te new advertiseé price. NOTE: Guarantee is on valid for ME Food Market Rewarés customer transactions. 62026 MEM Mes Shops Ltd. ONE

BraisedBeef Pappardelle Flatbreads 440g-515g 6 Varieties Regular price 5.99 each Soup 2558-2858 Excludes Wonton Soup. "Al discounbed prices of preduzts within this fhyer are ceciusive to members of the MEM Fcod Market Rewarés program. Simpy present your membership caré or sign up fee à fren membershép in store or elles, to take advantape cf Mesa exchestve offars. Products and prices may vary by region. Lits of restrictions may apriy. Pradusts may mot be menctiy as shown. Special peicing and prometions are not wall at M&M Food Market Express mad star nos-traditional stores, 25 thaÿ offer a Bmites range ot preduets. Some llestrations in this fiyer Go nat necessarily represent lbims ça sais and are for design cnly, We reserve 1h right to coeract any errors, Cemmércial resale of eur predurts is prehibAed, Trade-marks, service marks end hogcs displayed in lis flyer are trade-mars of M&M Meat Shaps Ltd and others, Any duplication [ineluéng posting oMine} without ta writton consent of SM Heat Shogs LIU, is prohibitad, &2024 MEM Meat Saop3 La. “*Lawest Price of the Séason” is eur guarantae be you, subject 10 the feliewisg eusfications, 1h you mil not aftar lis Myers expiry perios 236 à lomér price en tasa selected items at MM Feod Market, axciudig M&M Fooë Msrket Express beations and partners, fihe “Traditisnsi Locations”) until Decamber 31, 2024 [thé “Guarantse Period"]. H yeu fied à lower actrertised peice at our Traditisnal Locations duriag the Gusrantee Period you can bring your receipt to ane of eur Trasitional Locations and receive a store credit for the difference between the price yeu said ané te new advertiseé price. NOTE: Guarantee is on valid for ME Food Market Rewarés customer transactions. 62026 MEM Mes Shops Ltd. ONE

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