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Circulaire actuelle Réno-Dépôt - Valable à partir du 11.04 au 17.04 - Page n° 9

Circulaire Réno-Dépôt 11.04.2024 - 17.04.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

RD_1R_EN PAGE 06 rénoyseror DAYS 26% 16” 99 was 36-99 was 26-99 MEASURING TAPES WITH SPEED BREAK CHALK REEL AND CHALK KIT Bive 100". 408, &" WIRE STRIPPER. 0244sset 17077) Strips wire trom 10 to 24 AWG. 02645126 (904794) 199 15% 25% was 2499 on WD-40 4-PACK RATCHET STRAPS a . A 6 3279021 (129932) "360 PRO’ oe lubricants 1649 12.29 WORK LIGHT B 12" 32790272 Black. (125933) 1000 meas. 19.99 14.99 19818053 (310987 A 0472019 (109453) 949 7.99 B 04728012 (109460) BELLOHOWELL 14-99 12.69 $349 &) 15% was $399 on GE Advanced WIFI GARAGE DOOR OPENER 100% silicone a was $385, ioukeapaeneee sealants for ded doors and ROLL UP SHED DOOR Gabvanized see! wane. : 448083 299006 windows Black 0145172 242142) « SAVE 15° on special order * EXTERIOR DOORS * WINDOWS * SKYLIGHTS * PATIO DOORS * GARAGE DOORS Visit your stove and atk 2 customer service amociate about ow special order sales program. On regular price of special order products, made in store only. Cannot be combined with any other offer, $50 $349 on in-stock was $399 patio doors *SOUTHPORT" ALUMINUM STORM DOOR Waite cr 20% 20% 20% on in-stock on in-stock on in-stock iocket door mirror and 6-panel rames closet doors interior doors Shown: Shown: 48" x 80.5" Shown: 30" x 80" 38018003 (129956) 0B8S6258 (296481; 30” 66605007 (139181) iM, 129-00 103.00 529-00 423.00 28-00 61.99 ETF 3299 20% SS 20” was A399 ‘on in-stock * on in-stock “COLONIAL” CONTRACTOR CASINGS exterior MUR DESIGN a trims axe 19/32" x 3-9/4" x10, CO175810 (313423) wall panels Sean a0c9s050/71 a (241397/281270) METRIE B 67:99 54.39 oa. MUR cesicn ALKALINE was L699 was 29-99 BATTERIES UNIVERSAL DIMMER 2" GEN INDOOR MAAK LED and incandescent, preset, CAMERA eanso3 nn single pole or 3-may, 483ssea7 a193% 3335173 teow. 04840 ao “De 2499 18.69 BARAK 03335221 (308845; : 229917.19 FAS *On regular price, Except for Web-exclusive, special eeder or clearance products. Cannot be combined with any other offer.

Derniéres circulaires

RD_1R_EN PAGE 06 rénoyseror DAYS 26% 16” 99 was 36-99 was 26-99 MEASURING TAPES WITH SPEED BREAK CHALK REEL AND CHALK KIT Bive 100". 408, &" WIRE STRIPPER. 0244sset 17077) Strips wire trom 10 to 24 AWG. 02645126 (904794) 199 15% 25% was 2499 on WD-40 4-PACK RATCHET STRAPS a . A 6 3279021 (129932) "360 PRO’ oe lubricants 1649 12.29 WORK LIGHT B 12" 32790272 Black. (125933) 1000 meas. 19.99 14.99 19818053 (310987 A 0472019 (109453) 949 7.99 B 04728012 (109460) BELLOHOWELL 14-99 12.69 $349 &) 15% was $399 on GE Advanced WIFI GARAGE DOOR OPENER 100% silicone a was $385, ioukeapaeneee sealants for ded doors and ROLL UP SHED DOOR Gabvanized see! wane. : 448083 299006 windows Black 0145172 242142) « SAVE 15° on special order * EXTERIOR DOORS * WINDOWS * SKYLIGHTS * PATIO DOORS * GARAGE DOORS Visit your stove and atk 2 customer service amociate about ow special order sales program. On regular price of special order products, made in store only. Cannot be combined with any other offer, $50 $349 on in-stock was $399 patio doors *SOUTHPORT" ALUMINUM STORM DOOR Waite cr 20% 20% 20% on in-stock on in-stock on in-stock iocket door mirror and 6-panel rames closet doors interior doors Shown: Shown: 48" x 80.5" Shown: 30" x 80" 38018003 (129956) 0B8S6258 (296481; 30” 66605007 (139181) iM, 129-00 103.00 529-00 423.00 28-00 61.99 ETF 3299 20% SS 20” was A399 ‘on in-stock * on in-stock “COLONIAL” CONTRACTOR CASINGS exterior MUR DESIGN a trims axe 19/32" x 3-9/4" x10, CO175810 (313423) wall panels Sean a0c9s050/71 a (241397/281270) METRIE B 67:99 54.39 oa. MUR cesicn ALKALINE was L699 was 29-99 BATTERIES UNIVERSAL DIMMER 2" GEN INDOOR MAAK LED and incandescent, preset, CAMERA eanso3 nn single pole or 3-may, 483ssea7 a193% 3335173 teow. 04840 ao “De 2499 18.69 BARAK 03335221 (308845; : 229917.19 FAS *On regular price, Except for Web-exclusive, special eeder or clearance products. Cannot be combined with any other offer.

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