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Circulaire actuelle Réno-Dépôt - Valable à partir du 13.06 au 19.06 - Page n° 9

Circulaire Réno-Dépôt 13.06.2024 - 19.06.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

RENOYDE DEPOT DAYS WEISER $339. vos $389 wae $499 a 6-PANEL STEEL DOOR STEEL DOOR — ae i 7.1 fame, Lett or right | 999 had opening. = head opening 327, ognasgin aavase 1 | | 24", ConRSONZ/T3 (249332/33) was 69-99 “DOWNTOWN” . Lock —_— Motte black or satin rickel fish 0260$647/096$5003 re er 20% 20% $5 2 on pocket on in-stock was 46-99 35.99 oa. door frames mirror and on “Cambie” closet doors door handles X Shoore Shown A ORESEON? (28374) home 4g" x 80-42" B 09856046 283755) 38019003 (129954) 129-00 103.00 08885235 112473) 138-00 110.00 Sesleist Sere Sess hentis SAVE SAVE Save 20% 15% $10 A SO-PACK FLAT was 1499 12.69 oa on 4'x8' printed Primed MOF j ee and grooved 7 Weave xt gonsto2 ass) White wood or mitror white, wall panels by * i Fa 5296 42,38 pk 1078. 4064800001 MUR DESIG y y i peer CO178803 (311838) | S496 43.98 pk | Shown a {9095057 261397 METRIE 65.99 55.99 on a. MURGesicn 7 562 1, was GOT was 1-50 “MEDITERRANEAN™ V.JOINT PANELLING WALL PANEL SPF. Grade B. Natural fish, Teak. S06" x3" xf". S2265038 131968 {sisasism anaes 7 : 1499 12.69 - Sold in 11.65 5g, ft. box oa. 1699 65.39 MUR ces cn” : E YALEBEL FROM s ingiftcard ona VISIT ecm M2 5650 flooring ronodepe cof INSTALLED GET UPTO installation project 8999 UNDERLAYMENT Vinyl. Bhoe white was B9-99 VINYL STAIRTREAD AND RISER COATING SET Reversible river. Riverstone oak 12.28" x $0". 22225092 (319908) OTHER COLOURS AVAILABLE 4 Rovorsibte Riser << -RYURASTAIR alka CO 128 59 ft a AC3 LAMINATE FLOORING QUICKSTYLE LAMINATE FLOORING AC4 QUICKSTYLE LAMINATE FLOORING 75 x5445". > 75" x SAAS" 782" 14720" 420513022 Gr0mt4rtS ea2esiz9073s ioNZ/1318 Begsazenras (hansen Sold in 25.86 1g, ft. bex Seld in 17.24 59, ft. box Sold in 26.67 5g. ft. box S405 45.75 64:69 49.47 31.58 — ——— — N= ; VAY ~ 4" X 12" CERAMIC TILES F m te White 38 ey 119 Seen Sold in 15.38 sq. ft. box le os 399 fy 37 48.99 «pcaver was 49 4470 35.69 EN ene Pe q 4 5% yey ae Ol) slat a me ord ya Priam lest | REVERT *, a west ne Vv Re VN SSG o 22.56" X 10.88" SELF. ADHESIVE MOSAIC TILES AS et wae s. 12° X 12° MARBLE MOSAIC TILES 518 White. Resin 1 Herringbone. White and grey. cosa 2 onus io Sold in 2tile box Seid in Stile box @ he 37-99 30.36 wos 1299 64-95 51.95 LISTON! SAVE a PrN = 15% on other self-adhesive tiles 1 ia COC mie Le uC Mu tert alt RD_1R_EN Subscribe to the $10 OFF with a purchase newsletter and get of $50 or more *On the regular price in the fier. Except for Web-exclusive, special order or clearance products. Cannat be combined with any other offer. PAGE 07 -

Derniéres circulaires

RENOYDE DEPOT DAYS WEISER $339. vos $389 wae $499 a 6-PANEL STEEL DOOR STEEL DOOR — ae i 7.1 fame, Lett or right | 999 had opening. = head opening 327, ognasgin aavase 1 | | 24", ConRSONZ/T3 (249332/33) was 69-99 “DOWNTOWN” . Lock —_— Motte black or satin rickel fish 0260$647/096$5003 re er 20% 20% $5 2 on pocket on in-stock was 46-99 35.99 oa. door frames mirror and on “Cambie” closet doors door handles X Shoore Shown A ORESEON? (28374) home 4g" x 80-42" B 09856046 283755) 38019003 (129954) 129-00 103.00 08885235 112473) 138-00 110.00 Sesleist Sere Sess hentis SAVE SAVE Save 20% 15% $10 A SO-PACK FLAT was 1499 12.69 oa on 4'x8' printed Primed MOF j ee and grooved 7 Weave xt gonsto2 ass) White wood or mitror white, wall panels by * i Fa 5296 42,38 pk 1078. 4064800001 MUR DESIG y y i peer CO178803 (311838) | S496 43.98 pk | Shown a {9095057 261397 METRIE 65.99 55.99 on a. MURGesicn 7 562 1, was GOT was 1-50 “MEDITERRANEAN™ V.JOINT PANELLING WALL PANEL SPF. Grade B. Natural fish, Teak. S06" x3" xf". S2265038 131968 {sisasism anaes 7 : 1499 12.69 - Sold in 11.65 5g, ft. box oa. 1699 65.39 MUR ces cn” : E YALEBEL FROM s ingiftcard ona VISIT ecm M2 5650 flooring ronodepe cof INSTALLED GET UPTO installation project 8999 UNDERLAYMENT Vinyl. Bhoe white was B9-99 VINYL STAIRTREAD AND RISER COATING SET Reversible river. Riverstone oak 12.28" x $0". 22225092 (319908) OTHER COLOURS AVAILABLE 4 Rovorsibte Riser << -RYURASTAIR alka CO 128 59 ft a AC3 LAMINATE FLOORING QUICKSTYLE LAMINATE FLOORING AC4 QUICKSTYLE LAMINATE FLOORING 75 x5445". > 75" x SAAS" 782" 14720" 420513022 Gr0mt4rtS ea2esiz9073s ioNZ/1318 Begsazenras (hansen Sold in 25.86 1g, ft. bex Seld in 17.24 59, ft. box Sold in 26.67 5g. ft. box S405 45.75 64:69 49.47 31.58 — ——— — N= ; VAY ~ 4" X 12" CERAMIC TILES F m te White 38 ey 119 Seen Sold in 15.38 sq. ft. box le os 399 fy 37 48.99 «pcaver was 49 4470 35.69 EN ene Pe q 4 5% yey ae Ol) slat a me ord ya Priam lest | REVERT *, a west ne Vv Re VN SSG o 22.56" X 10.88" SELF. ADHESIVE MOSAIC TILES AS et wae s. 12° X 12° MARBLE MOSAIC TILES 518 White. Resin 1 Herringbone. White and grey. cosa 2 onus io Sold in 2tile box Seid in Stile box @ he 37-99 30.36 wos 1299 64-95 51.95 LISTON! SAVE a PrN = 15% on other self-adhesive tiles 1 ia COC mie Le uC Mu tert alt RD_1R_EN Subscribe to the $10 OFF with a purchase newsletter and get of $50 or more *On the regular price in the fier. Except for Web-exclusive, special order or clearance products. Cannat be combined with any other offer. PAGE 07 -

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