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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Noël - Valable à partir du 15.12 au 21.12 - Page n° 14

Circulaire Sobeys 15.12.2022 - 21.12.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

Shrimp 31-40 or 71 per lb or MARINA DEL REY Seafood Paella COMPLIMENTS Cooked Shrimp Ring with Sauce or Mediterranean Senfood Sauce COMPLIMENTS Cooad de net pt 142 =: cree ire 9 Cord Crab and Se: GREEN OCEAN Wild with 2 99 ] 99 Argentinian Shrimp Ring with Scene+ 3 À 2 CO & Card $ E Marinated Atlantic Saimen Filets subject to availability 3-4 oz Atlantic off LYS Taie roren à TRUE NORTH Smoked Candied Atlantic LAN PCT PTE £ ÉPORUTETONENTE frozen or previously frozen 130 g FLTA FLAVOUR BLOCK BLOC Lo TV CENTS CALIFIA FARMS ARE Almond or Oat Beverage 141 We do the prep so you Dacover comenent Ko solutions Hot ave rod ts eot, heot ce coûk PES 99 xt Classic Snack Box écra "Chicken, Egg or Tuna 305 a) ” Z AE ED} ) Maple Bacon Back Ribs 355 £. =. 899 327 FONTAINE SANTÉ Dips or small of large: Haif Rack available hot or châled Hummus 227-260 g BUY 1 Maple Cured Honey Ham or Roast Beef Au Jus available hot or chilled. ready to eat GET LE 50% €] E RESER'S Creamy Mashed ue Pi selected 680 g 'otatoes selected 8 5 49 x Gi pe FRESH Salsa or Chips 5 69 RANA Fresh Pasta 250-300 g or the sobeys ap}

Shrimp 31-40 or 71 per lb or MARINA DEL REY Seafood Paella COMPLIMENTS Cooked Shrimp Ring with Sauce or Mediterranean Senfood Sauce COMPLIMENTS Cooad de net pt 142 =: cree ire 9 Cord Crab and Se: GREEN OCEAN Wild with 2 99 ] 99 Argentinian Shrimp Ring with Scene+ 3 À 2 CO & Card $ E Marinated Atlantic Saimen Filets subject to availability 3-4 oz Atlantic off LYS Taie roren à TRUE NORTH Smoked Candied Atlantic LAN PCT PTE £ ÉPORUTETONENTE frozen or previously frozen 130 g FLTA FLAVOUR BLOCK BLOC Lo TV CENTS CALIFIA FARMS ARE Almond or Oat Beverage 141 We do the prep so you Dacover comenent Ko solutions Hot ave rod ts eot, heot ce coûk PES 99 xt Classic Snack Box écra "Chicken, Egg or Tuna 305 a) ” Z AE ED} ) Maple Bacon Back Ribs 355 £. =. 899 327 FONTAINE SANTÉ Dips or small of large: Haif Rack available hot or châled Hummus 227-260 g BUY 1 Maple Cured Honey Ham or Roast Beef Au Jus available hot or chilled. ready to eat GET LE 50% €] E RESER'S Creamy Mashed ue Pi selected 680 g 'otatoes selected 8 5 49 x Gi pe FRESH Salsa or Chips 5 69 RANA Fresh Pasta 250-300 g or the sobeys ap}

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