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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Saint Valentin - Valable à partir du 09.02 au 15.02 - Page n° 18

Circulaire Sobeys 09.02.2023 - 15.02.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

We do the prep so you Discover convenient food solutions that FRESHLY PREPARED &READY TO COOK are ready to eat, heat or cook. /Each, features : à NeW York-Style crust : EWhich is handeraftec L LL EE Re Drycure pappero When you buy E Fa and Mozzarella chees: mn f 14" Take & Bake j: Pizzas 800-890 g ie Fresh dicéd réd & green peppers; + red'onion; mushrooms; tomatoes L'Dry-cüred pépperoni, dicéd É red & green peppers, red onion, TN mushrooms and Mozzarella cheese ALI) = De { LEURS É LCI) - —— Ca | Look for this sticker on Ready For You products in our Meat, Seafood, Kitchen, Produce and Deli departments.

Derniéres circulaires

We do the prep so you Discover convenient food solutions that FRESHLY PREPARED &READY TO COOK are ready to eat, heat or cook. /Each, features : à NeW York-Style crust : EWhich is handeraftec L LL EE Re Drycure pappero When you buy E Fa and Mozzarella chees: mn f 14" Take & Bake j: Pizzas 800-890 g ie Fresh dicéd réd & green peppers; + red'onion; mushrooms; tomatoes L'Dry-cüred pépperoni, dicéd É red & green peppers, red onion, TN mushrooms and Mozzarella cheese ALI) = De { LEURS É LCI) - —— Ca | Look for this sticker on Ready For You products in our Meat, Seafood, Kitchen, Produce and Deli departments.

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