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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Nouvel An Lunaire - Valable à partir du 01.02 au 07.02 - Page n° 18

Circulaire Sobeys 01.02.2024 - 07.02.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

medal maxers OO with … , Sas & . ë LS ” QUAKER Harvest gras when you buy 3 Crunch or Cap'n 9 99 $cene+ Crunch selected Cerd CLUB HOUSE BETTY CROCKER varieties 350-510 g or La Grille Spice or Cookies. Cinnamon POST or WEETABIX FLEISCHMANNS Traditional Seasoning selected ‘ 4 Toast Crunch or 4 99 Cereal selected Yeast 2268 varieties 120-188 g Brownies 292 g-113 kg varieties 311-525 g î RE CL HRISPIE KELLOGG'S Jumbo Cereal selected vai ties 700 g-1.2 kg. Pop-Tarts 1152 kg or 249 FRENCH'S Mustard 5 99 HORMEL Real Bacon 6 99 FRANICS RedHot 8 9 Rice Krispies Squares Bits 85-100 g 400 mL. Sauce 680 mL 6608 CAMPBELL'S Ready-To-Serve GREEN GIANT SMUCKER'S Pure Soup 515 mL. or Vegetables 341-398 mL. $ MINUTE RICE 5 9 Jam 310-500 mL. 3/9 9 HABITANT 1°° or MONEY Mushroom 27 Ready-To-Serve {excludes Raspberry) 796 mL shced or whole 284 mL Cups 250 g Los pee 1 Æ « À GOLDEN DRAGON VACHON Snacks 248-336 g Sauce selected STONEMILL Bread 454-550 g Suiauee 4.99 ea varieties 455 mL pre or 99 comumenrs 72Q COMPLIMENTS White Luncheon Meat COMPLIMENTS Pie Filling = 2 or 100% Whole Wheat 3408 assorted 540 mL Mn EjT2 Le Bread 570 g 2.69 ea G0ooa0 Æ Re Oncsuirs mae0e0 pr _ | a Es L WU UE a Ê et { pie E: #. when you buy 1 OPEN 2e 2/$ ORGANIKA 9 VEGA ONE 9 HONIBE Vitamins GOOD TO GO Bars Collagen Protein or Supplements 408 % 250-500 g 834-876 g 60-70 pk ORGANIC HP 99 99 9 RIVIERA Vegan 9 SOL CUISINE OLYMPIC ORGANIC SILK Creamers Delights 500 g or Plant-Based Burgers Yogurt 650 g 450-473 mi. 4 pk 480 284g == LS Sous BRAND D'ARTS TETRE = SEA SALT Da AUETIN when you buy 2 COUPON A) 34? KETTLE BRAND 4 7 9 WTA COCO Water À 99 AMY'S SOUPS 5 9 GRGANIC Pure Maple Chips 198 g 398 mL Syrup 375 mL RECIPES, STORIES PS & TRIC and more, all at

Derniéres circulaires

medal maxers OO with … , Sas & . ë LS ” QUAKER Harvest gras when you buy 3 Crunch or Cap'n 9 99 $cene+ Crunch selected Cerd CLUB HOUSE BETTY CROCKER varieties 350-510 g or La Grille Spice or Cookies. Cinnamon POST or WEETABIX FLEISCHMANNS Traditional Seasoning selected ‘ 4 Toast Crunch or 4 99 Cereal selected Yeast 2268 varieties 120-188 g Brownies 292 g-113 kg varieties 311-525 g î RE CL HRISPIE KELLOGG'S Jumbo Cereal selected vai ties 700 g-1.2 kg. Pop-Tarts 1152 kg or 249 FRENCH'S Mustard 5 99 HORMEL Real Bacon 6 99 FRANICS RedHot 8 9 Rice Krispies Squares Bits 85-100 g 400 mL. Sauce 680 mL 6608 CAMPBELL'S Ready-To-Serve GREEN GIANT SMUCKER'S Pure Soup 515 mL. or Vegetables 341-398 mL. $ MINUTE RICE 5 9 Jam 310-500 mL. 3/9 9 HABITANT 1°° or MONEY Mushroom 27 Ready-To-Serve {excludes Raspberry) 796 mL shced or whole 284 mL Cups 250 g Los pee 1 Æ « À GOLDEN DRAGON VACHON Snacks 248-336 g Sauce selected STONEMILL Bread 454-550 g Suiauee 4.99 ea varieties 455 mL pre or 99 comumenrs 72Q COMPLIMENTS White Luncheon Meat COMPLIMENTS Pie Filling = 2 or 100% Whole Wheat 3408 assorted 540 mL Mn EjT2 Le Bread 570 g 2.69 ea G0ooa0 Æ Re Oncsuirs mae0e0 pr _ | a Es L WU UE a Ê et { pie E: #. when you buy 1 OPEN 2e 2/$ ORGANIKA 9 VEGA ONE 9 HONIBE Vitamins GOOD TO GO Bars Collagen Protein or Supplements 408 % 250-500 g 834-876 g 60-70 pk ORGANIC HP 99 99 9 RIVIERA Vegan 9 SOL CUISINE OLYMPIC ORGANIC SILK Creamers Delights 500 g or Plant-Based Burgers Yogurt 650 g 450-473 mi. 4 pk 480 284g == LS Sous BRAND D'ARTS TETRE = SEA SALT Da AUETIN when you buy 2 COUPON A) 34? KETTLE BRAND 4 7 9 WTA COCO Water À 99 AMY'S SOUPS 5 9 GRGANIC Pure Maple Chips 198 g 398 mL Syrup 375 mL RECIPES, STORIES PS & TRIC and more, all at

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