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Circulaire actuelle T&T Supermarket - Greater Toronto Area - Valable à partir du 22.03 au 28.03 - Page n° 6

Circulaire T&T Supermarket 22.03.2024 - 28.03.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

KE TRT (YMjakamura}sa) 3/15 - 3/28 Promenade Store Onl 0 Cu LC) e— == = = _ GREEN Ai-YU JELLY 5S JELLY" 7: AT 4 à E der HERBE) RE ee se Aroy-D Quail Hereford Vienna Chin Chinisss Egg In Water * Sausage 4 a te gi cannes el JEa EH & UFC Spaghetti Lingayen ? Sauce-Sweet Ladys ChoiceŸ Shrimp Fry Sauce” Filipino Blend Sandwich Spread} Faipino ent JEa Sandi! prea Dm JEa (HOU/ REGIS nee ee) JEa f CL | È ST R £ RD A _. “ g Suncres4 CAKE Fudgee LL à qe br Barr Cake ANS EE . Selected ; " \ 0! Star Margarine 20gX10, Selected {Original Flavor) g IEa 259x30, 27.59x30, 30gx30 IEa 2509 IEa 429X10,300g , Vefa Fan D | Sugarcane « Check prices on/in store display tags in case of discrepancÿ due to printing error in the advertisement * Offers valid while stock last. TST reserves the right to limit quantities

KE TRT (YMjakamura}sa) 3/15 - 3/28 Promenade Store Onl 0 Cu LC) e— == = = _ GREEN Ai-YU JELLY 5S JELLY" 7: AT 4 à E der HERBE) RE ee se Aroy-D Quail Hereford Vienna Chin Chinisss Egg In Water * Sausage 4 a te gi cannes el JEa EH & UFC Spaghetti Lingayen ? Sauce-Sweet Ladys ChoiceŸ Shrimp Fry Sauce” Filipino Blend Sandwich Spread} Faipino ent JEa Sandi! prea Dm JEa (HOU/ REGIS nee ee) JEa f CL | È ST R £ RD A _. “ g Suncres4 CAKE Fudgee LL à qe br Barr Cake ANS EE . Selected ; " \ 0! Star Margarine 20gX10, Selected {Original Flavor) g IEa 259x30, 27.59x30, 30gx30 IEa 2509 IEa 429X10,300g , Vefa Fan D | Sugarcane « Check prices on/in store display tags in case of discrepancÿ due to printing error in the advertisement * Offers valid while stock last. TST reserves the right to limit quantities

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