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Circulaire actuelle Zehrs - Valable à partir du 05.12 au 11.12 - Page n° 22

Circulaire Zehrs 05.12.2024 - 11.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

joe FX Chub Howse” Gravy aed Dry A (QA i he LET 100 GAP INC. BRANDS GIFT CARDS zit ra 6°18" —_- m8 ce xox, ed <= ee a oe fy ee C a —< = CEE oatniera BANANA REPUBLIC car me \ 3 ee oo | 8" 13% ee 8% oje~ 3” ai Catone ee ae RS Sr ee wee met asen on pon 3 p = For every $10° speot ea French’s* Ketchop, Mastard, a ‘Speciatty Mustard or Frank's (rte va in-car ety. Sabpect to avadably; section may vary by store. We reserve the cg te hit yates, 0 taped ecules 510 ‘Seu pcan et. tems omits. ter apps every $100 spent on Gage. Brands it cats i sg taracton be commend with any ether git card etter. Wet vad porches, - Perino pelt cnet ene ued ie pcien gens | | | Get gent rece tees at y 2 y FERRERO ROCHER 30 375 g or T18's CUBE 225 g or “ & 99 ciamono 80x 300 g or G0 heres FERRERO COLLECTION BOX 259 g or KD ROCHER, ASSORTED BOX 248 g 20213489. €A THE MOMENT _ 2168s eWctiS a FERRERO ROCHER selected varieties 90.9 bp 2iaznees eAzi4z6871 fA “Best New Praduct for Chocoiste bar ina X04 Brandan? wevey KINDER MAXI SURPRISE or PINK 150 G or PLUSH 116 G ‘2007 HSS_ EA 2OBNTISA EA 9 MOMENTS 184 g 20802152_£N20803166_£A a Quality Street 99 Fass F 2 4 EA 9 Turtles* 1 1 3009, 350g 21106317 £4 2120516664 749 a a After Eight 4 £99 After Eis! ify’ e Tin 400g 20905162_£ Neste raderarts at ed by Sate Ges Pros Nett S.A. Vey Sertzeland and used under Keene. 2004 Rest Lindt LINDOR Boxes 1569 20821386_fA ., 20821554_EA Pune Give the gift fe) we) 13 Lindt LINDOR Cornets 6009 20215793001_£A/20215793002 OY 999 ™ t | Lindt LINDOR : ry Mini Balls Bags 1009 i 20137209_EA Koy oY $399 — ”“ Fe es @ uno Teddy ¢ Milk 1009 £ 20425424_EA Lindt LINDOR Bags 1509 21541816_EA $799 $ - 99 ¥

Derniéres circulaires

joe FX Chub Howse” Gravy aed Dry A (QA i he LET 100 GAP INC. BRANDS GIFT CARDS zit ra 6°18" —_- m8 ce xox, ed <= ee a oe fy ee C a —< = CEE oatniera BANANA REPUBLIC car me \ 3 ee oo | 8" 13% ee 8% oje~ 3” ai Catone ee ae RS Sr ee wee met asen on pon 3 p = For every $10° speot ea French’s* Ketchop, Mastard, a ‘Speciatty Mustard or Frank's (rte va in-car ety. Sabpect to avadably; section may vary by store. We reserve the cg te hit yates, 0 taped ecules 510 ‘Seu pcan et. tems omits. ter apps every $100 spent on Gage. Brands it cats i sg taracton be commend with any ether git card etter. Wet vad porches, - Perino pelt cnet ene ued ie pcien gens | | | Get gent rece tees at y 2 y FERRERO ROCHER 30 375 g or T18's CUBE 225 g or “ & 99 ciamono 80x 300 g or G0 heres FERRERO COLLECTION BOX 259 g or KD ROCHER, ASSORTED BOX 248 g 20213489. €A THE MOMENT _ 2168s eWctiS a FERRERO ROCHER selected varieties 90.9 bp 2iaznees eAzi4z6871 fA “Best New Praduct for Chocoiste bar ina X04 Brandan? wevey KINDER MAXI SURPRISE or PINK 150 G or PLUSH 116 G ‘2007 HSS_ EA 2OBNTISA EA 9 MOMENTS 184 g 20802152_£N20803166_£A a Quality Street 99 Fass F 2 4 EA 9 Turtles* 1 1 3009, 350g 21106317 £4 2120516664 749 a a After Eight 4 £99 After Eis! ify’ e Tin 400g 20905162_£ Neste raderarts at ed by Sate Ges Pros Nett S.A. Vey Sertzeland and used under Keene. 2004 Rest Lindt LINDOR Boxes 1569 20821386_fA ., 20821554_EA Pune Give the gift fe) we) 13 Lindt LINDOR Cornets 6009 20215793001_£A/20215793002 OY 999 ™ t | Lindt LINDOR : ry Mini Balls Bags 1009 i 20137209_EA Koy oY $399 — ”“ Fe es @ uno Teddy ¢ Milk 1009 £ 20425424_EA Lindt LINDOR Bags 1509 21541816_EA $799 $ - 99 ¥

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