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Circulaire actuelle Zehrs - Valable à partir du 16.01 au 22.01 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Zehrs 16.01.2025 - 22.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

CHAPMAN'S PREMIUM! armas) FROZEN reel Lae Vorila REAL VRAIE 7 2 Mv ema CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-631: ‘Quantities and/or section of ems may be tented and may not be available i ll stores. Fe inqes en product avait at your store please contact Customer etatons at the above phone number io Ranchecks OR Sst on Clearance tems or where quatbes art averted as wed Advertised mega pricing and product selection (avour, cfour, pattems, ie) my. vary by store lation We are oct cbicated to set ties based on ears ox magnets typography oF photography Prong Al references to “Save. Was. Now. Savings, Sf ComparSoP 1 ou own regUaY Ores Coupons Mest be presented and redeemed at tre of purchase Savings on Rams shown may wary in each store locaton. Aoplecable tunes. Cegosts. or envrermental surcharges are extra. No sales to cetad outets @7Y The trademarks sernce marks and logos Gsplayed ths Myer are trademarks of Loblaws Inc and otters. Al nights reserved © 2024 Lobiaws bre MasterCard and tte MasterCard Brand Mark are repssteend trasemarts and PayPass 5 3 trademark of MasterCard tematona corporate’ President's Chace Bark a acensee of marts PC Optimum” peagram $ provided by President's Chace Services ne. President's Chace Francal MasterCars s prowded by President's Qhoce Bark. Prendeet's Chace Fnancal personal banking sereces are prowded by the Grect bartung Goran of Singin Financial BPC, President's Chace, PC Fnancal and President's, Choe Feancal are repstres Waders Lebiaes in. ademas used unde cence, We reserve tr to et questo resonate tamlyrqoreents PC OPTIMAA MEMBERS ONLY: These cers ave cntyaatatie to va PC Optenare™ program members. Memtertp ee Toregster as aPC Optman”™ mente see -stre er wt pcaptenam cae arent bigate to award pois based on ears cx meets No cas a See ees cat hl rogram cea echsog reegbnresrctors Mawnan eéenetn 10.00 poets These ers arc be carbo win any oer cones, Sct romcars nr anes pros purchases. We reserve ib madly or cance! these nena notice Product avalabilty may vary by store. While supphes last We reserve the Aight to lent quantities. “Recewe Pe ports specitied when you spend Te qualifying dolar amount on the eptaynd particgatg paducts) ance categeryes)betoce taxes ant afer redengtons and a coupes and Gscovets are deducted in a sige ansacton, "Vaid fr Dyer zation, ahar which he pece wil be Pie same fer beth PC Optimum” and noe-PC Optra” members. Tases appicable on the purchase amourt after discounts. PC Optmum™ member pricing « not applicable to any price match programs for participating stones eperating under the Lobtaws inc. barrier ORO SEASON Fa Sr os a er ata aon at NI prc sp: Hk wie rca Cases Ros 6 St Cas adr won eens maybe [— au pucunehanuchesarel Craton seasonal terms pte) (may Onty be avatabie at select store locations. Please check your local store for pricing, femets anc avatataity We reserve The not to bert eh qa to reacrate tama requremets Ranches maybe Braise fr etc stack dens exuding Crararce toms where Gaets rt adverts 2 abet Be reserve De rot bo wusttte fe ot ef eock fem fran cyclen te Seu proving a racheck Advertied regu pricing and product selection (favour, cles, pater, sye} may vary by sore location. Ai etereces i cut yet tS" "Was" Now" ee incomgarsen | Ee location. Coxsrs mest be presents and redeemed at tne cf purchase We ar rt slates = Sted on eran oF egrets ro esto etal cts. @/™ The rade, ence mart ad ops payed ins yr re ademas ot Labtec aces | nopatng ecators betwren Jaary 2 « Foray S 2125 before appacabie tunes and while qanttes last Ofer applies arty to select pratt (er may VISIT FOR STORE HOUR: (i rts reser. O24 Loblaws be. $PRUCE OOP ote vai in-tre at be rotted acer carcelind wont ratice See e-store fr tl Cetis

CHAPMAN'S PREMIUM! armas) FROZEN reel Lae Vorila REAL VRAIE 7 2 Mv ema CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-631: ‘Quantities and/or section of ems may be tented and may not be available i ll stores. Fe inqes en product avait at your store please contact Customer etatons at the above phone number io Ranchecks OR Sst on Clearance tems or where quatbes art averted as wed Advertised mega pricing and product selection (avour, cfour, pattems, ie) my. vary by store lation We are oct cbicated to set ties based on ears ox magnets typography oF photography Prong Al references to “Save. Was. Now. Savings, Sf ComparSoP 1 ou own regUaY Ores Coupons Mest be presented and redeemed at tre of purchase Savings on Rams shown may wary in each store locaton. Aoplecable tunes. Cegosts. or envrermental surcharges are extra. No sales to cetad outets @7Y The trademarks sernce marks and logos Gsplayed ths Myer are trademarks of Loblaws Inc and otters. Al nights reserved © 2024 Lobiaws bre MasterCard and tte MasterCard Brand Mark are repssteend trasemarts and PayPass 5 3 trademark of MasterCard tematona corporate’ President's Chace Bark a acensee of marts PC Optimum” peagram $ provided by President's Chace Services ne. President's Chace Francal MasterCars s prowded by President's Qhoce Bark. Prendeet's Chace Fnancal personal banking sereces are prowded by the Grect bartung Goran of Singin Financial BPC, President's Chace, PC Fnancal and President's, Choe Feancal are repstres Waders Lebiaes in. ademas used unde cence, We reserve tr to et questo resonate tamlyrqoreents PC OPTIMAA MEMBERS ONLY: These cers ave cntyaatatie to va PC Optenare™ program members. Memtertp ee Toregster as aPC Optman”™ mente see -stre er wt pcaptenam cae arent bigate to award pois based on ears cx meets No cas a See ees cat hl rogram cea echsog reegbnresrctors Mawnan eéenetn 10.00 poets These ers arc be carbo win any oer cones, Sct romcars nr anes pros purchases. We reserve ib madly or cance! these nena notice Product avalabilty may vary by store. While supphes last We reserve the Aight to lent quantities. “Recewe Pe ports specitied when you spend Te qualifying dolar amount on the eptaynd particgatg paducts) ance categeryes)betoce taxes ant afer redengtons and a coupes and Gscovets are deducted in a sige ansacton, "Vaid fr Dyer zation, ahar which he pece wil be Pie same fer beth PC Optimum” and noe-PC Optra” members. Tases appicable on the purchase amourt after discounts. PC Optmum™ member pricing « not applicable to any price match programs for participating stones eperating under the Lobtaws inc. barrier ORO SEASON Fa Sr os a er ata aon at NI prc sp: Hk wie rca Cases Ros 6 St Cas adr won eens maybe [— au pucunehanuchesarel Craton seasonal terms pte) (may Onty be avatabie at select store locations. Please check your local store for pricing, femets anc avatataity We reserve The not to bert eh qa to reacrate tama requremets Ranches maybe Braise fr etc stack dens exuding Crararce toms where Gaets rt adverts 2 abet Be reserve De rot bo wusttte fe ot ef eock fem fran cyclen te Seu proving a racheck Advertied regu pricing and product selection (favour, cles, pater, sye} may vary by sore location. Ai etereces i cut yet tS" "Was" Now" ee incomgarsen | Ee location. Coxsrs mest be presents and redeemed at tne cf purchase We ar rt slates = Sted on eran oF egrets ro esto etal cts. @/™ The rade, ence mart ad ops payed ins yr re ademas ot Labtec aces | nopatng ecators betwren Jaary 2 « Foray S 2125 before appacabie tunes and while qanttes last Ofer applies arty to select pratt (er may VISIT FOR STORE HOUR: (i rts reser. O24 Loblaws be. $PRUCE OOP ote vai in-tre at be rotted acer carcelind wont ratice See e-store fr tl Cetis

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